Date: 2023-05-24 Visitcount: 13
Rustam Shadiev and Junpei Zhou
Educational technology and society
The present study is set to systematically review articles on the use of 360-degree video technology in language learning. The study selected and reviewed twenty-four articles in the following aspects: (1) tools related to 360-degree video technology; (2) languages and skills involved; (3) theories and pedagogical approaches in reviewed articles; (4) methodology of reviewed studies; (5) applications of 360-degree video technology to language learning; (6) reported findings; and (7) reported problems in reviewed studies. The results demonstrated that the tools related to 360-degree video technology can be grouped according to the following three ways of using them: (1) creating or editing videos/images, (2) obtaining videos/images, and (3) viewing videos/images. The participants in most studies recorded or edited 360-degree videos to develop their own learning content, rather than using existing ones. In most studies, the participants used head-mounted displays (HMDs) to view 360-degree videos and low-cost HMDs were used more frequently. Scholars often focused on English and Chinese, and they targeted speaking and writing skills in their research. Various theories were used to frame research and the embodied cognition theory was the most popular. The most commonly used pedagogical approach was task-based learning. Fewer studies focused on students from primary or junior school. Many studies lasted for more than one month. Different language skills were mainly measured using scales or tests. Findings related to learning outcomes, learners’ perceptions of using 360-degree video technology and motivation were most frequently reported in the reviewed studies. Finally, problems related to methodology, technology implementation and learning process were identified in the reviewed studies and they are reported in the present research. Based on the results, several suggestions were made and implications derived.
Keywords: 360-degree video technology; language learning; review